Everything you need to know about STD's

Updated with info about when to test

Some time ago I promised to write a piece about different venereal diseases. These could lead to pain during sex see here.

It really disappoints me that even with the education, knowledge and openness these days people still not exactly know the could get a STD. And since I think it's important we keep sex a pleasure without scary diseases hereby a short summary of the most common STD's in short! Because of the shocking images I put them as a link in the names of the disease! The stars show how serious the disease is.

You will find the following diseases in order: Chlamydia, Gonnoroea, Syphilis, hepatites B, Genital warts, Herpes and HIV/Aids. Others will tell in short about: Pubic lice, Scabies, Candida and Bacterial vaginosis.

Click on the name for images! Shocking!!

Chlamydia ***
Caused by a bacteria which nests in the mucous membranes. As you might know this means the vagina, cervix, urethra or anus. But not many know this also means the throat and eyes!. So you could get throat-chlamydia and not only infect your partner but also yourself if you have intercourse after oral sex!
Symptoms woman: Chlamydia is soo funny.. Most of the times there are no complaints which means you can pass it trough without knowing. If you have more vaginal secretion than usual or a burning feeling during pee, blood in you off periods, a pain during sex or after in your belly or itching/pain/pus/mucus out of your anus, I recommend you to see your doctor.
Consequences woman: It can extend to your uterus and your oviducts which causes an inflammation. This inflammation can lead to fever and bellyache but also to adhesion of the oviducts which causes infertility. It also increases the risk of a ectopic pregnancies.
Symptoms man: Same as women.
Consequences man: Can lead to a inflammation epididimes which leads to severe pain and swellings. Men can also get scars and adhesion of the seminal ducts and also the urethra, which leads to infertility. It has to been said that with man it doesn't expend that fast as in women.
Treatment: It's detectable 6 weeks after the unsafe contact and a simple antibiotics the solution. If you had it once you can get it more times and according to the GGD (free healthcare thing in the Netherlands) the risks of becoming infertile will increase if you get it more often.
Preventing is easier than curing: A condom will do in almost all cases. Change this when you switch from oral to intercourse!

Click above on the name for the blog about it!
Complaints: The sexually transmitted disease often begins with a sore on the penis or around the anus. In the next stage, ulcerated lymph node in the groin or in the case of infection around the anus, fistulas and fibrosis. From the painful anus comes pus mixed with blood.
Consequences: The LGV virus penetrates the mucosal lymph job. Lymphatic vessels can therefore be broken, so no more fluid can be drained. Constrictions may also occur in the intestines. The infection is treated with antibiotics, but the insidious that a quarter of the patients had no complaints. De Vries: 'They can transfer it. "After an infection wounds arise, making it easier for people to catch other STD's (including HIV) increase and transfer.
Preventing is easier than curing: A condom would do the trick

Gonorroea ***
A bacteria who behaves the same as the ones from chlamydia and which cause inflammation in the infected areas. Women can also pass it trough to their babies during a delivery.
Symptoms woman: Mostly no symptoms. In the beginning it could increase the secretion or a change in its color. Also it could smell bad. Some times there are bleeding between the menstruations. In a further stage in which the urethra is inflamed peeing hurts.
Consequences woman: Same as chlamydia.
Symptoms man: Men get a 'Clap'. Because of the inflammation there will be green or yellow pus out of his penis which burn or irritates during peeing.
Consequences man: Also same as chlamydia, Only in this case the prostate can also get inflamed which makes peeing painful and difficult, one also gets a fever..
Symptoms woman and man: If the infection is in the anus you can have a irritated anus and mucus or pus will come out of it during nr2 at the toilet ;).
In case of an infected throat one usually doesn't notice anything. In a single case one gets a laryngitis (inflammation of the throat), with a fever and swollen neck-glands.
Some times the bacteria's get into the bloodstream and cause inflammations in different places of the body like the joints.

Treatment: Also a simple antibiotics.
Preventing is easier than curing: use a condom! and avoid any unprotected contact cause the sausage doesn't have to go in to transfer the shit!

Japanese Superbug discovered, may 2013
Doctors are warning that a drug-resistant strain of gonorrhea could be more deadly than AIDS, and are urging members of US Congress to spend $54 million for the development of a drug that would fight it. "This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly," Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, told CNBC.

Syphilis ****
A bacteria who get into the whole body trough the mouth, penis, vagina or anus. The infection will come out in two to twelve weeks.
Symptoms: In This period small hard, painless sores will appear in the said areas. These will vanish in two to three weeks. A few weeks or months later stage 2 will start, that's when the disease is spread in the entire body. You will get spots everywhere over your body mainly on your palms and footpads. You will feel like you caught the flu, your will have hair loss , you can get eye-complaints (inflammation or sight-loss) an warts in the area of your genitals and anus.
Consequences: If you didn't do anything in the first two stages you will get in the 'sleeping stage' in which there are no symptoms but you can still pass the disease. years after you can get lots of scary stuff like organ damage, brain damage, the spine and bones can inflame and so on. Sometimes people only then find out they got infected with syphilis. Earlier this happened more often because people didn't get antibiotics that often which accidentally killed the syphilis as well.

Treatment: A few penicillin treatments and a last check up and it's gone.
Preventing is easier than curing: Condom!

Hepatites B *****
Hepatitis B is a infection of the liver which causes it to inflame, caused by the hepatitis virus. This can be transmitted by sex, blood-on-blood contact, used needles, hospital-instruments, women can pass it trough during delivery, sharing toothbrushes and razors (unconscious blood-on-blood contact) and even if the infected person bites another person! So it's really contagious!
Symptoms: Most of the times there are no symptoms, if there are (2-3months after contamination) it will be things as fatigue, nausea, muscle-, joint- or abdominal pain, and increase temperature and skin disorders. Sometimes followed by jaundice. These symptoms take up to six weeks, but fatigue may continue for months after the disappearance of the other complaints.
Consequences: In the long term it can cause liver damage or even cancer.

Treatment: Mostly the body fights against it itself by creating antibodies. One is not contagious any more and resistant against a new contamination.
When the body can't fight it on its own one gets a chronic infection (so-called carrier). The chance to get this is highest when you get infected at a young age.
In this case 40% of the cases get a medicine and in 10% the virus leaves the blood.
Preventing is easier than curing: Gays, prostitutes and drug users can get a vaccination. baby's and people who accidentally pricked themselves can get a antibodies shot within 24hours. Besides this it's really hard to prevent because it's to contagious. If you know someone has it, don't make physical contact.

Genital warts, another and another ****
Arise after a while, weeks or months after the contamination. By women on and around their labia or anus, on men from the penis to the scrotum to the anus (you don't even have t have anal sex for that) plus internally.. They are cause by the HPV variation which doesn't lead to cervixcancer. Passed trough contact of the genitals, fingers and even towels of infected persons. Not every contained person gets warts but they can still pass it trough.
Symptoms and consequences: they get bigger, more and worse, can itch, hurt and even burn.

Treatment: A docter can freeze them, burn them off or even slice them of under anesthesia. In some cases a special lotion or crĆØme could help if you apply it regularly.
Preventing is easier than curing: As far as I found condoms should do the trick but actually I wouldn't risk it if I saw something like that. The risk of contagious is to big!

Herpes ****
Caused by a virus which infects the skin and mucous membranes in and around the genitals. The virus can get in the body trough the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, penis, vagina or anus. But you can also spread it on yourself with your fingers or to your partner. It manifests a week after contamination. Only when it's at the genitals we talk about herpes genitalis.
Symptoms: Itching, irritation, burning or painful feelings, red spots on the skin or the mucous membranes. One to two days after sores will become visible on the different areas. The first attacks can be accompanied by pain, fever, swollen glands in the groins and sometimes a secretion out of the vagina. Woman will experience pain during peeing in this case.
Consequences: After anal contact/sex the rectum can get inflamed. This can be accompanied by blood- or mucus-loss during defecating. The sores dry out after about 3 weeks and usually cure without leaving scars.

Treatment: It's not curable, but the symptoms can be treated. These will increase when your immune system is weakened. There are pills which shorten the attack and slow down the increasing of the virus which makes the symptoms less and less serious. There are cold sore crĆØmes for your lips.
Preventing is easier than curing: Don't touch! And don't let the other who has it touch you or share your glass or something like that.

HIV and Aids another one, and another one *****
As you probably know HIV is the virus that causes Aids. Blood, spit, sperm, pre-cum, vaginal fluid and mothers milk can contain the virus, but mainly through unsafe actions with blood and sperm you can give or get the virus.
Once in your body the virus starts breaking down your immune system so other viruses and bacteria het the chance to cause terrible diseases, although it can take years before the virus gets active. When yo have Aids your immune system is very weakened and other diseases have more chance of getting you real sick.
Symptoms: In the beginning the disease usually has no symptoms, sometimes some flu symptoms appear but that's it.
Consequences: You don't die from Aids but from other diseases, like pneumonia, your body can't fight any more. Every disease is now potentially deathly. You also have a higher chance of getting rarer diseases like some forms op pneumonia, intestinal infections and cancer.

Treatment: There is no cure but if found out in time you can get aidsblockers that extend your life with HIV before you get Aids.
Preventing is easier than curing: In the past one said that homosexuals had a higher risk, personally I don't think these days it's different. Lot's of people experiment and nowadays it's like hip to be bisexual, I believe that heterosexuals (Mostly woman) have just as high a chance to get it.
When you have sex you share the bed with all the previous partners of your partner ;) So use a condom!

Trichomonas **
Not very bad and caused by a parasite.
Symptoms woman: one can get a inflamed vagina, think red, irritated labia and vagina, bad smelling secretion which can have a greenish color and sometimes foamy. Peeing can be painful.
Symptoms man: Mostly no complaints, if so a imflamed urethra which leads to pain during peeing. The opening from the penis can be red and irritated.
Consequences: Actually it hasn't many consequences, it can increase the risk of getting HIV or cause troubles with pregnancy.

Treahtment: One dose of antibiotics is enough.
Preventing is easier than curing Condom!

Newest STD: MG, november 2015
Slightly more than 1 percent of 4,500 participants tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease known as Mycoplasma genitalium (MG), a sample survey in the United Kingdom indicates. The real news about this STD, though, is it isn’t very "new." The infection-causing bacterium was first identified in the early 1980s.

Pubis lice is recognizable to little spots moving in the hairs. At the pharmacy you can get a special lice treatment. Fun fact, pubic lice is treated to extinction. Scabies is only recognizable under a microscope and does itch very bad because of the parasites digging tunnels under your skin to lay eggs. This can be on your wrists, fingers, under your breast and in the back of your knees. Docters can give you a ointment or something like that as a treatment. Candida and Bacterial vaginoses are no STD's, more about them see names or see here (Pain during sex women, since women mostly have these conditions).

When to get tested?
As you have noticed most of the times there are no symptoms. So I recommend everyone with a new relationship to use condoms for the first time until both of you are tested, thinking that some things are only detectable after 3 months (HIV).
Since HIV is not that common among heterosexual couples I would say 2-3 weeks. Next to that I recommend people with various partners to get a check up regular (even if you use condoms) and to use condoms.

A test will most probably show a positive result in case of:
Chlamydia or Gonorroea after 2 weeks
HIV after a few weeks up to 3 months (dependent on what kind of test)
Syphilis after three months
Hepatitis B usually two to three months

Do you get tested before these dates? In that case you COULD have a STD and transmit it to others.
In case of a very eraly HIV infection you are SUPER contagious to others. Advice: use in this case certainly a condoms and have safe sex!

Immediately contact a physician if you are raped, or if something went wrong with the condom for anal sex. They can then advise you what is needed:
  • A PEP treatment so as to prevent HIV infection
  • A morning-after pill to prevent pregnancy.
  • A vaccination so as to prevent infection with the Hepatitis B virus.
Immediately testing:
  • If you have been warned by someone for an STI
  • If you have a complaint that can fit an STI
  • If you have symptoms that may fit an acute HIV infection
Note: Many STDs show no symptoms. In case you risked exposure to an STD, you'll only know by testing whether or not you have an STI.

Tips for testing for STDs:
  • Do you have sex with men? Let then do tests on a swab from your throat and anus: men who have sex with men are often a STI. You do not want to miss ...
  • Are you prostitute? Let then do tests on a swab from your throat and anus. STI in your throat and anus do not have to give complaints - it is better to be sure that you do not have an STI in your throat and anus.
The tests for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B, will be repeated three months after your last risky sexual contact to be sure you have not suffered these infections. Do you run a high risk of HIV, then this test is repeated earlier.

HIV self-testing or HIV-rapid-tests provide reliable results but can demonstrate an acute or recent infection in a later case. In case you recently ran a risk of HIV; always get tested (well) with a blood test in laboratories (so at your GP or local clinic).
Source: SOAAIDS Nederland

Besides that I want to ask everybody to be honest and notify your ex-partners (at least the ones from the past 6 months) if you have found a STD. You would like to know as well right? If you are to pussy to do it yourself, ask a friend or a healthcompany person if they want to call them. They won't tell your ex that YOU were there.

Relevant posts: Pain during sex women & Pain during sex men

Very funny from 1.34 mins: Perez Hilton - the clap

Updates of this article:
original march 2012
updated may 2013
updated september 2015
updated november 2015

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